ETIP Photovoltaics Secretariat
The ETIP PV Secretariat works in the framework of the ETIP PV Secretariat (Support to the activities of the ETIPs and technology areas of the SET-Plan) project.
The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101075398. It started its activities in September 2022 and will finalize in August 2025. These are the overarching goals of the ETIP PV Secretariat project.
To increase the cohesion of the stakeholders in the PV sector to reach agreements on concrete priorities and strategies for the large scale deployment of photovoltaic solar energy technologies in the context of the SET-Plan
To support the realisation of the Implementation Plan to achieve the targets of the SET-Plan Declaration of Intent (i.e. SET-Plan Declaration on Strategic Targets in the context of an Initiative for Global Leadership in Photovoltaics)
To enable the implementation of the ETIP PV Vision and Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) by the Horizon Europe Programme 2025-2027
ETIP PV consortium is composed of SolarPower Europe (Coordinator) and WIP Renewable Energies.
For any questions, you can find the contact persons:

Rania Fki
WIP Renewable Energies, Project Manager

Johannes Stierstorfer
WIP Renewable Energies, Head of Unit Smart Cities, Social innovations and Networks
Organisational, secretarial and operational support to the Platform, including the Executive Committee, the Steering Committee and the ad hoc Working Groups
Preparation and organization of the Platform meetings as well as the Annual ETIP PV Conference and the ETIP PV workshop(s), round-table(s) or other event(s) in support of the SET Plan activities
Doing research and providing advice for the documents prepared by ETIP PV WGs
Cultivation of the link to the SET-Plan Implementation Plan and its Implementation Working Group (IWG) PV
Coordination of the flow of information within the platform and between the platform and its target audience
Promotion of the ETIP PV Vision the broader solar PV stakeholder community, including other ETIPs, relevant R&I players, policy makers, industry, national stakeholders at EU members state level as well as global level.
Perform editing and graphic-design work on the ETIP PV’s written output
Publish and publicise the main outputs of the WGs and the Platform
ETIP PV aims to actively support achieving the European Union’s green energy policy goals as well as the additional actions needed to limit global temperature rise to 1,5°C.