about us
We are the recognised interlocutor for the European Commission, Member States and Associated Countries about the PV sector specific R&I needs.

A long term European vision for Photovoltaics
European Technology & Innovation Platforms (ETIPs) have been created by the European Commission in the framework of the new Integrated Roadmap Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) by bringing together EU countries, industry, and researchers in key areas. They promote the market uptake of key energy technologies by pooling funding, skills, and research facilities.
The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics (ETIP PV) mobilizes all stakeholders sharing a long-term European vision for PV, helping to ensure that Europe maintains and improves its industrial position, in order to achieve a leadership position within the global PV market.

The focus of ETIP PV’s activities is on the opportunities and challenges facing the European photovoltaic sector. We make recommendations with a view to improving the competitiveness of the European PV industry, both the upstream segments (incl. feedstock supply, equipment manufacturing, cell and module production) and the downstream ones (incl. technical solutions for grid integration, market solutions for grid integration, installation).
ETIP PV gathers more than 200 experts covering the entire PV value chain.
ETIP PV aims to actively support achieving the European Union’s green energy policy goals as well as the additional actions needed to limit global temperature rise to 1,5°C.