Integrated Photovoltaics
The working group Integrated Photovoltaics focuses on technological and business opportunities and challenges for large-scale applications of photovoltaics, specifically allowing for multiple functionality of PV covered area.
The working group Integrated Photovoltaics focuses on technological and business opportunities and challenges for large-scale applications of photovoltaics, specifically allowing for multiple functionality of PV covered area. For example, the working group will focus on integration of PV in buildings (BIPV), infrastructures (IIPV), vehicles (VIPV), agriculture (Agro-PV). In addition to the overall PV goal of lowering Levelized Cost of Electricity, Integrated Photovoltaics applications can bring the extra value of decentralized, point-of-use electricity generation and simultaneously fulfill, e.g., a roofing, facade or sound barrier function.
With its activities, the Working Group IPV pushes the agreed target number 4 of the SET-Plan - Declaration on Strategic Targets in the context of an Initiative for Global Leadership in Photovoltaics (PV), ´enabling mass realisation of "(near) Zero Energy Buildings" by Building-Integrated PV (BIPV) through the establishment of structural collaborative innovation efforts between the PV sector and key sectors from the building industry.´
Nabih Cherradi, Desert Technologies
Sara Mirbagheri Golroodbari, University of Utrecht
Büşra Yılmaz, KameleonSolar
WG Members:
Nora Adam, Baywa-re
Faes Antonin, CSEM
Kay Cesar, TNO
Thomas Dalibor, Avancis
Michaël Demeyere, AGC Glass Europe
Matthieu Despeisse, CSEM
Kaining Ding, FZ Jülich
Romain Feuilleux-Anginieur, CEA
Jean-François Guillemoles, CNRS
Wiep Folkerts, TNO Energy Transition
Hamed Hanifi, AE Solar
Nils Klasen, M10 Industries
Silke Krawietz, SETA Network
Bianca Lim, ISFH
Philippe Macé, Becquerel Institute
Laura Maturi, Eurac Research
Delfina Muñoz, Cervantes CEA Liten
Bonna Newman, Lightyear
Geert Palmers, Imec
Paolo Picci, ETA Florence
Riccardo Po, Eni
Uwe Rau, FZ Jülich
Björn Rau, HZB
Angèle Reinders, Eindhoven University of Technology
Costanza Rizzo, Statkraft
Eduardo Medina Roman, Tecnalia
Alessandra Scognamiglio, ENEA
Julien Van Overstraeten, Becquerel Institute
Miriam Lucia Vicenza, Enel
Alessandro Virtuani, SUPSI
Brecht Willockx, KUL
Busra Yilmaz, KameleonSolar
Working Group publications
Solar Skins an opportunity for greener cities
downloadSolar Skins an opportunity for greener cities
downloadWorkshop summary
downloadBuilding Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) as a core element for Smart Cities – Integrated Research, Innovation and Competitiveness Strategies within the Energy Union