PV Technology
Technology research & development is fundamental for the unique success story of PV components with respect to power conversion efficiency, energy yield, reliability, and cost reduction. This working group focuses on the progress of further PV technology innovations and scaling to pre-commercial prototypes.
European innovations have led to numerous performance records of PV components, highly productive equipment and efficient use of sustainable materials. The “PV Technology” working group of the European Technology and Innovation Platform PV focuses on defining the research needs to support further development of photovoltaic technologies. It promotes research and development to increase module and inverter efficiency, energy yield, reliability and cost reduction along the value chain from materials to final components. This includes production equipment and processes that are compatible with production constraints. The aim of the working group is to define the research agenda needed to advance technological innovations and scale them to the level of pre-series prototypes (Technology readiness level 0–6). These advances are intended to further support the successful development of PV modules and inverters in order to increase the competitiveness and market readiness of the technology taking into account material availability and eco-design principles.
Ralf Preu, Fraunhofer ISE
Delfina Munoz, CEA
Bianca Lim, ISFH
WG Members:
Nicola Baggio, FuturaSun
Puzant Baliozian, VDMA
Christian Breyer, LUT
Michael Buennig, Wacker Chemie
Chiara Busto, eni
Chris Case, Oxford PV
Nabih Cherradi, Desert Technologies
Jan Clyncke, PV Cycle
Thomas Dalibor, Avancis
Marina Foti, 3SUN
Ravin Golakiya, Oxford PV
Arnulf Jaeger-Waldau, EC JRC
Ivona Kafedjiska, Helmholtz Berlin
Philipp Krazert, Holyvolt
Damien Lachenal, Meyer Burger
Jan Lossen, ISC Konstanz
Luigi Marras, FlySolar Solutions
Gaëtan Masson, ESMC/ Becquerel Institute
Molly Morgan, Exawatt
David Moser, Becquerel Institute
Geert Palmers, Imec
Marion Perrin, Energy-pool
Pere Roca i Cabarrocas, IPVF
Eduardo Roman Medina, Tecnalia
Charles Roux, CEA
Rutger Schlatmann, HZB PVcomB
Georgios Stephanides, Independent financial expert
Marko Topic, University of Ljubiliana
David Zarco, Powen