June 24, 2014
Conference of the European Photovoltaic Technology Platform - “New dawn for large-scale PV manufacturing in Europe: reality or pipe dream?”.
The conference “New dawn for large-scale PV manufacturing in Europe: reality or pipe dream?” was held on 24 June 2014 at the Thon Hotel Bristol Stephanie in Brussels, Belgium.
Are there signs of a revival in PV technology manufacturing in Europe or is the outlook bleak? What should a revival look like, and what can politicians do to bring it about? These were some of the key questions that were addressed at a conference that put the spotlight on Europe’s ability to sustain large-scale manufacturing.
Participants included different European stakeholders as representatives of the industry, research community, business experts and other professionals at large.
The event took place during the EU Sustainable Energy Week and was registered as an official 'Energy Day'.
For more information please contact Sofía Arancón at sofia.arancon@wip-munich.de.

Download the agenda of the EU PVTP Conference, 24 June 2014.
Please, consult the MINUTES of the event
Opening session and Key-note speech

Key-note speech: How to foster competitiveness of the European PV Industry
Bonifacio García Porras, European Commission DG Enterprise and Industry

New dawn for large-scale PV manufacturing in Europe: reality or pipe dream?
Wim Sinke, Chair of the EU PV Technology Platform
SESSION I: Large-scale PV Manufacturing – critical success factors

Plans for xGW Manufacturing in Europe
Eicke Weber, Fraunhofer ISE

Competitive PV Production in Vilnius, Lithuania
Vidmantas Janulevicius, UAB BOD GROUP
SESSION II: Financing of manufacturing initiatives

EIB financing of Innovative Enterprises
Jochen Hierl, European Investment Bank
SESSION III: Research needs for PV competitiveness

Results of SOPHIA project
Philippe Malbranche, INES

Vision of European Photovoltaic Technology Platform
Wim Sinke, Chair of the EU PV Technology Platform
project partners
media partners