May 22, 2024 at 13:30 – May 23, 2024 at 13:00
Annual Conference 2024 (PRESENTATIONS AVAILABLE)

The conference wiill focus on advancing sustainable energy through intelligent PV systems for effective grid control. Cyber secure digitalisation has gained much prominence in the last few years. Fostering energy communities for shared sustainability is central in this evolution of technologies, ensuring PV responsiveness in adaptable power systems, and driving PV industry growth through digital responsiveness and effective data utilization. The conference aims to unite PV innovators and wider energy stakeholders to discuss, explore, and advance the integration of photovoltaic technology into a responsive sustainable energy future.
Conference 2024 - Summary

Conference outline
Each session will begin with a keynote speak, followed by the initiation of a panel discussion.
Day 1 22 May
Opening Session (13.55 - 14.30)
- Solar PV’s contribution to a resilient and flexible energy system (Lukasz Kolinski (DG Ener, European Commission))
Session 1 (14.30 - 16.00) : PV systems intelligently contributing to effective distributed control
Panel Discussion: Nikolaos Hatziargyriou (NTUA), Michele De Nigris (RSE), Thomas Ackermann (Energynautics)
Session 2 (16.30 - 18.00) : Energy sharing building functional Energy Communities
-Lesson learned and key benefits of energy communities: the case of Austria (Tara Esterl (EUREC))
Panel Discussion: Fabrizio Pilo (University of Cagliari), Tara Esterl (EUREC), Sofia Barbosa (Greenvolt)
Day 2 23 May
Session 3 (09.30 - 11.00) : Highly responsive PV in a flexible power system
Panel Discussion: Marion Perrin (Energy-Pool), Gofran Chowdhury (3E), Eric Quiring (SMA)
Session 4 (11.30 - 12.45) : Enhancing PV industry efficiency through focused digitised control and data sharing architectures and models (ETIP SNET)
Panel Discussion: Natalie Samovich (Enercoutim), Laurent Schmitt (Digital4Grids), Nikolaos Hatziargyriou (NTUA)
Closing speech (12.45 - 13.15)
Rutger Schlatmann (HZB-Institut PVcomB and ETIP PV Chair), Venizelos Efthymiou (University of Cyprus and conference chair), Pierre-Jean Alet (CSEM and conference chair)
EverPVX Resilex workshop (14.00 - 16.30)
