Sept. 26, 2024 at 10:30 – Sept. 26, 2024 at 12:00
Co-shaping the European PV R&I priorities : A basis for the new Co-programmed Partnership (EUPVSEC24)
The European Commission announced a Co-Programmed Partnership for Photovoltaics which will overhaul the process for directing R&I support to the PV sector at the European level for the 2026-2032, in order to achieve the objectives of rapid deployment of PV and resilience of the European PV value chain.
The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for PV (SRIA PV), developed by ETIP PV and EERA PV, analyses five interlocking challenges of PV research and innovation to guide policymakers on the ways to support the development of solar energy in Europe, especially in the European Commission funding programmes. As part of the establishment of the Co-programmed partnership for PV, the SRIA PV update will serve as the basis for the work of the partnership in defining priority topics for R&I support.
This session, will present the Co-Programmed Partnership structure and objectives, defining how PV stakeholders can engage with this new pillar of the PV R&I environment. In rotating table discussions, the session will allow the PV research community to provide feedback, helping to update the SRIA PV, on industrialisation of innovation, prioritising new technologies and supporting market uptake of new technologies.
Draft Agenda:
10:30-10:45 Presentation of ETIP PV and its role in the Co-Programmed Partnership (Rutger Schlatmann, ETIP PV Chair/ HZB PVcomB)
10:45- 11:00 Presentation of Co-Programmed Partnership on Solar Photovoltaics (Maria Getsiou, DG RTD, European Commission)
11:00- 11:15 Presentation of Strategic PV R&I Agenda and Q&A (Delfina Munoz, CEA)
11:15- 11:50 Rotating table discussions:
- Industrialisation of innovation (Peter Fath, RCT Solutions)
- Prioritising technology innovations (Ivan Gordon, Imec/ EERA PV)
- Supporting market uptake of new technologies (Integration in the grid) (Ioannis Tsanakas, CEA)
11:50- 12:00 Conclusions