Dec. 10, 2020
ETIP PV Newsletter_Dec 2020_I3PV Conference Videos now Online
Did you miss the Conference? We've now released the videos from the event. Click on the link below to watch the full program with all speeches as well as the live discussion.
Statements from the Conference:
Jutta Paulus, MEP Greens/EFA Group, European Parliament
“Regulation around integrated PV must be updated, for instance agri-PV deployment should allow farmers to continue receiving farm subsidies and façade-mounted PV must be allowed on buildings with few exceptions. It may change the appearance of buildings – which is not necessarily negative, and surely much better than the effects of heat and drought scorching European cities due to climate change.”
“The EC released an offshore strategy, but I’d like to see a comprehensive strategy for all renewables that will promote the return of PV manufacturing to Europe.”
Rutger Schlatmann, PVcomB, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin and ETIP PV Conference Chair 2020
“With the I3PV Conference, the ETIP PV working group Integrated Photovoltaics was delighted to present the wealth of opportunities this field has to offer. If we manage to exploit these opportunities, we can create a large number of new jobs and at the same time contribute significantly to achieving our climate goals. Europe is leading the way in this area and we expect the conference to offered a very clear view on how industry, science, and politics can work together to bring it to full fruition.”
Marko Topič, University of Ljubljana and ETIP PV Chairman
“The annual ETIP PV Conference brought the current R&I in a variety of PV technologies and applications that will expand and accelerate PV deployment. It was wonderful to meet online the distinguished speakers and to get insights into the latest R&I trends that will pave the way to restrengthen manufacturing in Europe.”