May 10, 2022
Renewed Steering Committee of the European Technology & Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics
During the Hybrid Steering Committee meeting on 9th May 2022 new members of the ETIP PV elected or re-elected. In total 28 candidates had applied for a seat in the Steering Committee including Steering Committee members who had to re-apply for their seat.
New Members:
Greg Arrowsmith, EUREC
Leah Carpentier, First Solar
Chris Case, Oxford PV
Nabih Cherradi, Desert Technologies
Peter Fath, Kalyon PV
Philipp Kratzert, Solarwatt
Bonna Newman, TNO
Ralph Preu, Fraunhofer ISE
Re-Elected Members:
Pierre-Jean Alet, CSEM
Ulrike Jahn, VDE Renewables GmbH
Gaëtan Masson, Becquerel Institute
Eduardo Román, Tecnalia
Wolfgang Storm, Wacker Chemie
Marko Topic, University of Ljubljana UL-FE
Eero Vartiainen, Fortum Growth Oy
Marko Topič, the ETIP PV Chairman: “With this election we have an excellent representative mixture of PV specialists from all over the EU. We can continue to work intensively on the implementation of solar PV in the Europe. I congratulate distinguished experts for their election as a new member representing PV Industries and R&D from a variety of European countries. I am happy that the elections improved also the gender balance.”
The European Technology & Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics is an EC funded network of experts sharing a long-term European vision for PV, helping to ensure that Europe maintains and improves its industrial position, in order to achieve a leadership position within the global PV market. ETIP PV has supported and will continue to support the SET Plan. It aims to raise the profile of PV and to help policymakers craft legislation and tailor research programme to optimally support the technology.
Note to editors:
About European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics (ETIP PV)
The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics provides advice on solar photovoltaic energy policy. It is an independent body recognised by the European Commission and the SET Plan Steering Group as a representative of the photovoltaic sector. Its recommendations may cover the areas of research and innovation, market development including competitiveness, education, and industrial policy.
For further information please contact:
Bernhard Krause, ETIP PV Secretariat (