ETIP Photovoltaics

Roadmap 1



KPIs that can be utilised for capturing progress in the above identified R&I fields are:

KPITarget Value (2030)

100 GWp silicon-based cell and module manufacturing capacity with low carbon footprint in Europe

Performance and

High-performance and sustainable PV with LCoE of 25 €/MWh at medium irradiation levels of 1300 kWh/(m2a), e.g. in southern Germany for utili- ty-scale PV and <50 €/MWh for ‘Integrated Photovoltaic’ elements (4)

European players as world leaders regarding high performance and sustain- able silicon PV technology and its integration in the environment.

  • 25 % module conversion efficiency measured under standard test conditions and 40 year lifetime
  • Energy return of investments of more than 50 in southern Europe

Ensure the supply of critical raw materials like silver to a multi-terawatt in- dustry.