Roadmap 5
Infrastructure Integrated PV
Rationale for support
With infrastructure integrated PV (IIPV) we mean the integra- tion on or into infrastructural functional objects such as road pavement, noise barriers, crash barriers, dikes, landfills, flyo- vers and road roofing. In all these applications, the primary functionality of the infrastructural object is leading. This pri- mary functionality may be safe traffic, safety against flooding, waste storage or noise reduction. The challenge for the de- velopment and implementation of IIPV is to design integrat- ed solutions that are technically and economically feasible.
A modest amount of IIPV projects on landfills and into noise barriers have been realised, and even fewer on IIPV in crash barriers, flyovers, road surfaces, dikes and road roofing.
Targets, Type of Activity and TRL
KPIs that can be utilised for capturing progress in the above identified R&I fields are:
KPI | Target Value |
Optimised System Design (Performance and Cost) | Across Functions: |