ETIP Photovoltaics

Roadmap 6



There is no specific standard for performance quantifica- tion under low-light conditions. The efficiency and hence the power density output is strongly dependent on the spectrum, especially since the calibration is usually done in lux. The variability of the light conditions implies the development of efficient electronics that could gather all the energy produced by the light harvesting system. At the same time, integration with a device integrated or system integrated storage element can provide the power conti- nuity needed in some low power applications such in IoT or remote monitor sensor. The pervasiveness of low pow- er PV energy harvesting requires green non-toxic material and an appropriate waste management/recycling. In this context, one can define some specific KPIs:

KPIs that can be utilised for capturing progress in the above identified R&I fields are:

KPITarget Value
Design and Fabrication

Identification of PV materials and PV architecture for the specific low power applications depending on the light intensity, light spectrum and application itself (2025)

Module/cell design and fabrication process that enables easy tailoring of the PV device to products specifications (2027)


Power and energy yield PV performance to meet application specific power and energy requirements (2027)

Reproducibly achieve 25 % efficiency or more over module level in the 200 lx-500 lx under white light illumination (2027)

ManufacturingCost of the PV energy harvester compatible/comparable with the cost of low power electronics (2027)