Sept. 16, 2015
Press Release - Consistent framework can open doors to massive bipv deployment in europe - 16 september 2015
HAMBURG, 16 SEPTEMBER 2015 – The Workshop “Reaching out for opportunities in
Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV)” was successfully held yesterday in the CCH
Congress Centre Hamburg as an official paral el event of the 31st European
Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC 2015).
Co-organised by the European Photovoltaic Technology Platform (EU PV Platform)
and the International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (IEA
PVPS) Task 15, the event brought together over 140 experts in the sector throughout
its two sessions with the aim to discuss technology and industry developments as wel
as the market and policies currently driving the BIPV sector in Europe.
“We are happy to see so many experts from both PV and Building Industries
interested in contributing to the discussions and the development of BIPV,” said Mr
Marko Topič, Chair of the European Photovoltaic Technology Platform. “There are
already more than a hundred market-ready BIPV prototypes available. These need,
however, an appropriate enabling framework that facilitates the scale-up of the
production and the drop of costs”, continued Mr Topič.
The morning session covered “Market, Policies and BIPV Development Drivers” and
was chaired by Mr Michiel Ritzen, Operating Agent of the IEA PVPS Task 15. The
session addressed some specific barriers that BIPV development needs to overcome
in order to successful y accelerate its deployment. “From the discussions it is clear
that in order to become mainstream, BIPV production needs to be scaled up,
supported by a good regulatory framework, building industry orientated databases,
healthy business models, demonstration areas, simulation and assessment software.
In the end, we need BIPV to avoid the development of the undesirable ‘Not On My
Roof’ (NoMyR) opposition by potential customers”, highlighted Mr Ritzen.
The afternoon session, focused on “Technology and Industry Developments”. Mr
Marko Topič chaired the event and reminded the audience that the workshop was
a part of a set of efforts by the EU PV Platform aiming to shorten a communication
gap between the PV and Building industries. Yesterday’s event, for instance, was a
fol ow-up to the Annual Conference of the EU PV Platform, held at the Royal Institute
of British Architects in July 2015, where fruitful exchanges between both sectors were
already initiated.
The PV Platform urged in the afternoon to the need of interdisciplinary col aboration
in the fields of Energy Efficiency and RES integration in buildings, based on the EU
target for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) until 2020. The PV Platform presented
the huge potential of BIPV within the EU, where the share of renewables in NZEB is
estimated for 30% in N-Europe and up to 90% in S-Europe. Ms Silke Krawietz, Leader of
the PV Platform BIPV Ad Hoc Working Group, mentioned that some results of these
efforts to col aborate could already be seen during the interdisciplinary BIPV event in
London. “For many years we see the great potential of BIPV in Europe. Many
architects, however, are not aware of the best possibilities of integrating PV into
buildings. BIPV has lots of design possibilities and needs the collaboration of building
industry, architects and developers, together with efforts from the PV industry, in
order to enhance innovation and competitiveness in the sector. It is a unique
opportunity for the European PV Industry to bring the BIPV market from a niche
market to mainstream”, said Ms Krawietz.
According to the EU PV Platform, further col aborations could al ow the integration of
PV into the building skin from early design phases, which would result into several
opportunities for the sector, enabling the creation of jobs and the achievement of
EU’s climate goals. The development of BIPV, however, would need to be led by
flexibility, in terms of colour, shape and aesthetics of the modules as well as on the
electrical level.
BIPV and the PV sector in general require now a clear sign from European authorities
that self-consumption will not be constrained by restrictive taxes, fees and changes
in grid financing. The development of BIPV in Europe needs also a ful y integrated
roadmap, with guaranteed market development opportunities, R&D&D financing at
national and European level and investment in industrial capacities development. A
paradigm shift is needed in the PV industry to support col aboration between
building and BIPV sectors in order to encourage investments, supporting innovation
and competitiveness in order to achieve European leadership in the market.
The discussions held both in London and Hamburg are expected to be formalised
soon in a position paper to be sent to the European Commission.
The EU PV Platform has also recently issued a fact sheet (available here) summarising
some key aspects related to BIPV in the Built Environment, Economics and the market
segment in the EU.
The presentations will be available on