Dec. 3, 2018
Press release - Photovoltaic Solar Energy Big and Beyond: VISION and CLAIMS of the ETIP PV - 3 December 2018
The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics publishes Vision
and Claims for 100% renewable electricity supply before start of COP 24 in Katowice
Photovoltaic Solar Energy: Big and Beyond -
Sustainable energy to reach the 1.5 degrees climate target
The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics (ETIP PV)
envisions a world with 100% renewable electricity supply where electricity is
accessible to all and where electricity makes major inroads into satisfying the final
energy demand for living including communications, zero-emission transport and
mobility, efficient heating and cooling, and even sustainable fuels, chemicals and
materials. By applying Solar PV, buildings wil increasingly become places of energy
production and not only of energy consumption. ETIP PV wil distribute its vision paper
right to the start of the UN climate summit “Cop 24” in Katowice, Poland.
Marko Topič, ETIP PV Chairman: “Our vision is a sustainable future with a clean
European and global energy system! Thanks to the abundant availability of sunlight,
the technology’s modularity, and continuous cost reductions, Solar PV can become
the largest source of energy worldwide and is able to meet the challenge of drastic
decarbonisation and there is big potential for further improvements in all related
technologies with accelerated research, development and innovation (RD&I).”
Marko Topic continues with the main topics of the vision paper:
• Photovoltaic solar electricity (Solar PV) has recently become the lowest cost source of
electricity in most parts of the world
• Solar PV can be used in al geographic regions and its generating capacity can be
instal ed rapidly and scaled up modularly
• Solar PV can drastical y reduce GHG emissions from the power sector and in other sectors
through electrification
• Solar PV supports a social y acceptable energy transition by offering employment,
distributed generation and integrated applications as well as new business opportunities
• Solar PV, in combination with wind energy, storage and conversion (“power2X”) is the
cornerstone of the future sustainable energy system
• Solar PV needs to be deployed rapidly, massively, and global y including within Europe to
limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees
• More PV component manufacturing and PV generating capacity are needed in Europe to
seize economic opportunities and to reduce dependence on energy imports and on PV
technology imports
Solar PV is transforming Europe’s and the world’s energy system and energy industry
and ETIP PV is committed to actively support this to the benefit of climate and
economy, as a contribution to the future of mankind.
ETIP-PV’s position is that EU-based manufacturing industry must regroup and succeed
in the extremely competitive global Solar PV sector, providing high-quality,
technological y advanced products at scale. For this to happen, the EU must ensure
a large and growing market for Solar PV installations that values high-quality, highly
sustainable products.