ETIP PV gathers all the relevant stakeholders of the PV sector. Where appropriate we bring experts from neighbouring sectors into our discussions

ETIP PV Members share ETIP PV’ Vision and possess a skill or experience that enables ETIP PV to pursue it’s Mission. To ensure an efficient operation of the Platform, the ETIP PV is organised in three groups.
The Steering Committee is ETIP PV’s permanent decision-making body
The Expert Pool is a group of experts who agree to be approached to participate in ETIP PV work through an ad hoc Working Group
Ad hoc Working Groups are proposed for specific tasks by the Steering Committee

Executive Committee



Working Group Leaders

Steering Committee
Nora Adam, Baywa-re
Pierre-Jean Alet, CSEM
Nicola Baggio, FuturaSun
Puzant Baliozian, VDMA
Fabrizio Bizzarri, Enel Green Power
Christian Breyer, Lappeenranta University of Technology
Michael Buennig, Wacker Chemie
Nabih Cherradi, Desert Technologies
Jan Clyncke, PV Cycle
Thomas Dalibor, Avancis
Venizelos Efthymiou, FOSS Research Centre, University of Cyprus
Damien Lachenal, Meyer Burger Technology (Observer)
Peter Fath, RCT Solutions
Marina Foti, 3SUN
Sara Mirbagheri Golroodbari, Utrecht University
Ulrike Jahn, Fraunhofer CSP
Philipp Kratzert, Holyvolt
Bianca Lim, ISFH
Jan Lossen, ISC Konstanz
David Moser, Becquerel Institute
Delfina Muñoz, CEA Liten
Bonna Newman, Lightyear
Geert Palmers, Imec
Marion Perrin, Energy-Pool
Ralf Preu, Fraunhofer ISE
Pere Roca i Cabarrocas, IPVF
Eduardo Román Medina, Tecnalia
Heikki Siniharju, Fortum (Observer)
Rutger Schlatmann, (HZB) PVcomB
Marko Topic, University of Ljubljana UL-FE
Büşra Yilmaz, Kameleon Solar
Permanent Seats:
Greg Arrowsmith, EUREC
Chris Case, PVThin/ Oxford PV
Ivan Gordon, EERA PV/Imec
Simon Philipps, EERA PV/ Fraunhofer ISE
Walburga Hemetsberger, SolarPower Europe
Gaëtan Masson, ESMC