Sept. 17, 2015
PV System Performance and Reliability – Quo Vadis?
The PV industry is committed to improving the performance and reliability of systems and has made this a priority of the Solar Europe Industry Initiative. High-quality and long-term performing PV systems will be a safe investment. But where does the industry stand today? In which areas and direction is progress still needed?
The European Photovoltaic Technology Platform organized a debate on this topic on 17 September, in Hamburg, Germany. Industry leaders discussed tools and techniques for PV system performance forecasting, optimization and analysis. On the basis of their outstanding experience in the field, they also provided recommendations on how to mitigate the risk of failure and to optimize the performance of PV panels.
Download Presentations

Please download the agenda.

Analysis of PV Power Plant Performance
Presented by Ms. Jeanna Panella, First-Solar.

Improving PV System Monitoring Using Big Data Analytics And Remote Sensing
Presented by Dr. Nicolas Sébastien, CTO, Reuniwatt

Mitigating risks of premature solar panel failure in the field
Presented by Dr. Lucie Garreau-iles, EMEA Technical Manager, DuPont Photovoltaics Solutions

Quality of PV modules and smart solutions to avoid hot spots increasing the performance
Presented by Mr. Juan Carlos Gonzales, Technical Service Manager, Jinko SOlar

Non-availability of exchange PV modules replacement strategies and legal background
Presented by Christoph Reiners, O&M BayWa r.e.
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