July 3, 2023
ETIP PV Newsletter - July 2023
ETIP PV Conference 2023: EU's solar PV innovation requires more ambition and investment
The conference highlighted how research and innovation, in connection with a dedicated set of policy and financing measures, can be one of the decisive factors in the resurgence of a European solar supply chain. With an exceptionally strong solar R&D landscape, it is essential to leverage existing European R&D resources and know-how to advance these technologies. During the conference, representatives from industry, academia, and policy, shared their views on the challenges and opportunities of strengthening the European solar PV supply chain.
The conference was the occasion to emphasize the strong European solar PV R&I landscape.
However, greater investments in R&I are required to successfully support the growth of the European solar industry in the future, as highlighted in the ETIP PV White paper on PV Manufacturing in Europe, which was published during the Conference.
Peter Fath, CEO of RCT Solutions, chair of the ETIP PV Industry Working Group and one of the ETIP PV Conference 2023 Chairs stated that: “The competitiveness cost of PV manufacturing in Europe is an issue that we can overcome. The main challenge is the lack of a well-established value chain in Europe.”
ETIP PV organized two successfull side events at the Intersolar 2023
The first one "Adressing the core challenges of PV R&I in Europe" was a great success" was the opportunity for the ETIP PV Chair Rutger Schlatmann and the working groups leaders Pierre-Jean Alet (Digital PV and Grid), David Moser (Reliability and Circularity), Eero Vartiainen (LCOE& Competitiveness), Hanna Dittmar on behalf of the (Social PV), Peter Fath (PV Industry) and Bonna Newmann (Integrated PV) to go through the different roadmaps of The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for PV.
Check out the SRIA PV
During the second ETIP PV session "How to scale-up Integrated PV applications in Europe.", the experts of the ETIP PV Integrated PV working group Wilfried Van Sark (University of Utrecht), Kay Cesar (TNO), Giuseppe Marco Tina (University of Catania), Hans-Peter Merklein (Grenzebach Envelon) and Julien Robin (Simoldes) shared on how to overcome the challenges faced by the different integrated PV innovations in large scale development.
Visit the integrated PV working group