Nov. 8, 2016
Press release - The European Technology and Innovation Platform Photovoltaics appreciates the ratification of the Paris climate change agreement - 8 November 2016
The European Technology and Innovation Platform Photovoltaics
appreciates the ratification of the Paris climate change
The Paris agreement on climate change entered into force on last
Friday, November 4, 2016
The first time governments have agreed legally binding limits to
global temperature rises
Solar photovoltaic electricity will play a fundamental role
The European Technology and Innovation Platform Photovoltaics (ETIP PV) is happy to
see the start of the COP 21 agreement. Under the agreement, governments that have
ratified the accord, which includes the US, China, India and the EU, now carry an
obligation to hold global warming to no more than 2C above pre-industrial levels.
Countries have put forward commitments on curbing carbon emissions under the
agreement, but a report on Thursday found those pledges would see temperature rises
significantly overshoot the threshold, with 3C of warming. Environmental groups urged
governments to do even more.
ETIP PV Chairman Marko Topič: “The European photovoltaic sector with its strong R & D
capabilities and its strong cel & module production technology wil play a major role in
the coming years. We believe that the COP 22 (United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change, 22nd Conference of the Parties) meeting in Marrakesch wil deliver
result showing the next steps. ETIP PV as a trusted partner of the European Commission
wil provide targets and recommendations to support the further development and the
realisation of COP 21”. consensus-based strategic advice on al issues relevant to progressing research and
innovation (R&I) efforts.