Oct. 21, 2016
Press release - The European Technology and Innovation Platform Photovoltaics met in Ljubljana, Slovenia - 21 October 2016
The European Technology and Innovation Platform Photovoltaics
met in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Photovoltaic Solar Energy a major Energy Source in Europe
New Reports of Working Group activities will be published with the next
few Weeks
SolarUnited new Partner in the ETIP PV Secretariat
The Steering Committee of the European Technology and Innovation Platform
Photovoltaics (ETIP PV) met last week at the University Ljubljana invited by the ETIP PV
Chairman Marko Topič.
The Steering Committee of the ETIP PV is working on a broadly supported strategy and
corresponding implementation plan for research & technology development as wel as
the regulatory framework for the deployment of photovoltaic solar energy in Europe
and supporting policies in the area of education. The writing of this Implementation Plan
was mandated by the European Commission to support ETIP PV’s “declaration of intent”
on PV technology performance targets agreed early in 2016.
One of the main topics of the meeting last week was the discussion about the ongoing
work on the different working groups:
LCOE and learning curve update for components and system prices
Industry Strategy and Policy
Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV)
Grid Integration
Legal and Regulatory Framework
The working groups for “BIPV” and “Industry policy” wil publish new results during the
next weeks. A position paper 'BIPV as a core element for Smart Cities` and the paper
'The European PV manufacturing Industry: analysis and policy guidance for 2020 and
beyond' wil be available shortly in the ETIP PV website.
The “Grid Integration” and “LCOE” groups have already published results and are
working on new updated reports which wil be ready by the end of this year.
ETIP PV Chairman Marko Topič: “The focus of ETIP PV’s activities is on the opportunities
and chal enges facing the European photovoltaic sector. We are trusted partner of the
European Commission on PV technology policy. Our recommendations cover the areas
of R&D, market development & competitiveness as wel as education and industrial
During the meeting in Ljubljana the ETIP PV Secretariat presented as the supporting
entity to the PV platform financed by the EC their work-plan for the coming two years.
The ETIP PV Secretariat welcomes “SolarUnited – The global solar business & technology
association” as industry association represented by Bryan Ekus and Bernhard Krause as
new partner. SolarUnited is a trade association focusing on Quality, Reliability,
Innovation, and PV Technology. The consortium includes 3 partners: the coordinator
WIP, EUREC and SolarUnited.
The next Steering Committee meeting is scheduled to take place on 24 January 2017 in
Brussels, Belgium.