Press Releases
Press Release - 'I3PV - Integrated, Innovative, Intelligent' Annual ETIP PV Conference with up to 200 Participants per Session - 20 November 2020
read morePress Release - Yearly ETIP PV Conference Goes Virtual: 'I3PV - Integrated, Innovative, Intelligent' - 4 November 2020
read morePress Release - ETIP PV elected new Board Chairmen during their virtual meeting on 23 September 2020 - 28 September 2020
read moreETIP PV Position Paper published: Only clean Hydrogen Produced by Solar PV and Wind can Decarbonise our Life
read moreRenewed Steering Committee of the European Technology and Innovation Platform strives to represent European diversity and inclusion of all PV sector stakeholders
read moreThe European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics fully supports the European Green Deal
read morePress Release - ETIP PV and SolarPower Europe launch new joint report on business models for greener cities - 19 June 2019
read morePress Release - ETIP PV publishes the White Paper “Vision and Claims for 100% renewable electricity supply” - 13 June 2019
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