May 18, 2016 – May 19, 2016
Conference of the European Technology and Innovation Platforms, Photovoltaics and Smart Grids
Most of Europe’s power system was built in the middle of the last century on the basis of centralised generation and passive distribution. This robust infrastructure has served us well even in the first waves of distributed power generation. Now Europe’s ambition to decarbonise its energy supply and to be world number one in renewables requires a step change in the way we adapt and operate our grids.
Photovoltaics is the generation technology most widely connected to distribution networks. As such it is at the forefront of both the challenges and opportunities in transforming the grid. This is why the two European Technology and Innovation Platforms, Photovoltaics and Smart Grids, have teamed up this year to address in their annual events the state of the art and the technical and strategic challenges ahead to achieve a sustainable repowering of Europe facilitated by a smart, adaptive and integrated grid.
- Day 1: ETIP PV conference: '' (see )
- Day 2: ETP SG General Assembly leading to ETIP SmartGrids and Storage: 'Smart, adaptive & integrated grid for facilitating the sustainable repowering' (see programme)
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Opening Session
Policy keynote: European Energy Union, EU strategy
Presentation of Jeroen Schuppers, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
Technology/industry keynote: PV as major electricity source
Presentation of Eicke Weber, Fraunhofer ISE, EUREC President
SESSION I: Inverters: The smart interface
The European inverter industry
Presentation of Krzysztof Puczko, Delta Energy Systems
An overview of the next generation of smart inverters and aspects with respect to the energy transition
Presentation of Jan Van Laethem, SMA
Supporting power quality in distribution networks with inverters
Presentation of Andreas Schlumberger, KACO New Energy
Stability of the power system with converter-interfaced generation
Presentation of Marie-Sophie Debry, RTE
Storage supporting PV deployment
Presentation of Veronica Bermudez, EDF - R&D
Impact of storage on PV attractiveness
Presentation of Mariska de Wild-Scholten, SmartGreenScans
Market development and price roadmap
Presentation of Marion Perrin, CEA INES
The virtual battery: energy management in buildings and neighbourhoods
Presentation of Emanuel Marreel, Siemens
SESSION III: Electricity market and system operations
Challenges and opportunities in the integration of PV in the electricity distribution networks
Presentation of Nikos Hatziargyriou, NTUA, Chair of ETP SmartGrids
Forecasting use cases
Presentation of Marion Lafuma, Reuniwatt
Market access
Presentation of Maher Chebbo, SAP
SESSION IV: PV changing the power business
Changing roles: new business models for utilities
Presentation of Marcus Franken, E.On
PV value for Europe beyond electrons
Presentation of James Watson, SolarPower Europe
Conference organised jointly by
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